Welcome To Anjuman Mufidul Islam
Anjuman Mufidul Islam is a Bangladeshi welfare organisation specially designed to enrich the livelihood of orphans and the distressed.Serving poorest of the poor for 118 years (Registered Under Societies Registration Act of 1860) Anjuman Mufidul Islam was founded in 1905, in Calcutta, British India, as a voluntary, non-profit and non-political social welfare organization. All the free humanitarian services of Anjuman are available to poor people, irrespective of faith, caste and creed. The burial Service is limited to Muslims only.
Our Services
Dafon Sheba
Anjuman Mufidul Islam has four service centers in Dhaka. Out of these four, the Mugdapara s...
Burial Service
In 1905 Anjuman Mufidul Islam started its noble Journey in Kolkata in British India through the b...
Free Ambulance Service
Anjuman Mufidul Islam has been continuously providing free ambulance service for carrying patient...
Medical Service
Anjuman Mufidul Islam has been working for human welfare for 118 years with the slogan “Par...
Anjuman Mufidul Islam has five Homes (Orphanages) within and around Dhaka city. Among these five...
Relief Services
Various activities are conducted under the relief service. Distribution of winter clothes during...
Pension Allowance
This program has been running since 2009. Under this program poor and distressed people of old ag...
Widow Allowance
Anjuman provides monthly allowances to the poor, helpless and distressed widows. Presently...
Poor Rehabilitation
Providing assistance for the rehabilitation of poor under the Poverty Alleviation Project, throug...
Free Education
Anjuman Mufidul Islam has five educational institutions in Dhaka city for orphans, poors and help...
Winter Cloth
Every year Anjuman Mufidul Islam distributes winter clothes among the helpless, poor and cold-str...
Student Stipend
To provide assistance for higher education Anjuman distributes student stipend to helpless, orpha...
Freedom Fighters Allowance
Anjuman has been providing monthly allowances since 2009 to help the real freedom fighters who pa...
Medical service in Biswa Ijteme
Every year arrangements are made to provide free medical treatment, medicine and drinking water t...
Circumcision camps are organised through mobile medical units at different places in Dhaka city a...
Special Grants for the poor
Members of Anjuman Mufidul Islam’s Managing Committee help the poor and helpless by providi...
Quick Donate


Oct 18
প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তি
তারিখ ঃ ১৭/১০/২০২৪ইং
প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তি
আঞ্জুমান মুফিদুল ইসলাম ১৯০৫ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত একটি জনকল্যাণমূলক সংস্থা। যুগ যুগ ধরে সমাজের দুঃস্থ এবং দরিদ্র মানুষের পাশে থেকে মানবসেবায় নিয়োজিত । ঢ...
About Us
Welcome to Anjuman Mufidul Islam
Anjuman Mufidul Islam was founded in 1905, in Calcutta, British India, as a voluntary, non-profit and non-political social welfare organization by a prominent businessman and philanthropist, Sheth Ibrahim Mohammad Dupley of Surat. Sher-e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Haque, Syed Nawab Ali Choudhury, H. S. Suhrawardy, Khawja Nazimuddin & other leading personalities of twentieth century gave leadership to Anjuman as Presidents of the organization. Anjuman was established in Dhaka, in September 1947 after the independence and partition of British India as a branch of Calcutta office. Since 1950 Anjuman continued to march forward, as... read more